Neuro-Specific Treatment
At Lakehouse academy students participate in neuro programming twice each week where they engage in interventions like neurofeedback, sensory vestibular proprioception, primitive reflex testing and…
Relational therapy is a therapuetic approach focused on building healthy relationships as a foundation for achieving emotional, social, and academic success.
At Lake House Academy, we strive to help our students experience joy! Using our relational therapy approach, we work with our students to build and reestablish relationships with their families and form secure and healthy connections with caregivers and peers.
Lake House Academy students often arrive feeling alone, disconnected, and inadequate, and it’s our mission to help them reestablish secure and loving relationships as a foundation for growth and change. Through our relational treatment structure, we help our students reconnect and evolve within the context of trusted and stable bond formation. By forming healthy relationships between the students and their caregivers, we encourage positive behavioral changes that lead to resiliency, confidence, and lifelong success.
We summarize this relational treatment framework as CASA, which stands for commitment, acceptance, security, and attunement. The goal of the CASA framework is to bring students back to experiencing joy by learning how to self- and co-regulate. The CASA structure provides the prescriptive guide and framework for getting to the root of issues, and it uses growth markers to confirm issues are addressed effectively. At Lake House Academy, the tenets of CASA are integrated into all aspects of our program, including clinical, social, and academic. They also serve as a framework for how we engage with both our students and families.